Creativity – of white rabbits and black holes!

You might be wondering what white rabbits and black holes have to do with creativity. A lot, because creativity is all about letting go and jumping from the familiar into the unknown without knowing where we will end up. Just like the white rabbit from “Alice in Wonderland” did. If Alice hadn’t been so curious during a boring picnic and hadn’t followed the white rabbit down a rabbit hole, she would never have found herself in a wondrous world – Wonderland. Yes, it really does take courage to discover new things and be creative. Creativity challenges the status quo. Creativity gives rise to the courage to rethink things. Creativity brings innovation. With our following creative tips, you are sure to get the creative process off to a good start. Surprise your donors with creative approaches and enrich your projects with exciting storytelling. Welcome to the getunik Creativity Wonderland!

Everyone has the potential to be creative!
“Everyone is an artist!” was a key statement by Joseph Beuys (1921-1986), a German artist, activist and teacher known for his versatile artistic practice. He believed that creative potential lies dormant in everyone and that art should not be limited to traditional forms. If we take Beuys’ statement into account, why do so many people not know that they are creative? We believe it is because access to creativity is usually too high-threshold. How can we tap into our untapped creative power? It’s quite simple – JUST DO IT! Easier said than done. But let’s start from the beginning. What is creativity anyway?
What is creativity?
There are a thousand and one definitions of creativity. We particularly like the following formulation by Rick Rubin from his book kreativ. The Art of Being (2023), which reads: Creating something means bringing something into being that wasn’t there before! A very delicate view of creativity, but in our eyes it hits the mark. We all live in a world that was designed by people. Every decision is a creative act, so to speak. Another aspect of creativity is surprise. What we create is not only unprecedented, but also surprises us. At best, in a positive way. The good thing about surprise is that it always involves emotions. And you probably know that emotions are involved in 90% of purchasing decisions. A donation is also a purchase decision, and a very good one, if not the best. Donating gives you a good feeling. The mere intention or thought of being more generous triggers neuronal changes in the brain that lead to feelings of happiness.
This effect is called the “warm glow” by behavioral economists.
So, there are a thousand and one reasons to finally get into creative work. You just have to do it. That brings us back to the simple statement – JUST GET STARTING! Yes, but how does creativity work?
Does creativity need chaos or order?

Most people think that creativity arises from chaos. This is only half the truth. Albert Einstein put it in a nutshell: “Nothing can come into being without order. Nothing can come into being without chaos.” In order for something new to emerge, an old order must be dissolved.

The chaos-order model by Gabrielle Schmid (lecturer at Zurich University of the Arts) shows very well how and in what space creativity takes place. Thinking goes through four phases. In the first two phases, you make room for change and open yourself up (divergent thinking). Here, the situation is understood (phase 1) and then initial ideas can be developed (phase 2). Once enough ideas have been generated, the space is closed again (convergent thinking). The ideas developed are now tested (phase 3) and the best ideas are implemented (phase 4). Creativity takes place in this trapezoid – it is actually a place that can be perceived as chaos. To ensure that this chaos takes place within an orderly framework, we at getunik follow an idea generation process that guides us step by step to the final idea by means of various exercises. Of course, this process is not always orderly and linear. During the brainstorming process, we sometimes skip a task or return to one that has already been completed and add to and modify something. It is probably precisely this space that is difficult for many people who are not involved in creativity on a daily basis. But it’s worth enduring these ups and downs, because the feeling that arises feels like surfing at some point – at the latest then you’re in the famous flow! How do you get into this state?
Which influencing factors lead to the known flow?

“Flow is the state in which people are fully absorbed in their task, forget about space and time and only care about the activity.” This is how creativity researcher and psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi summarizes his flow theory in one sentence. You are no doubt familiar with this feeling of flow. And this feeling is a “crème de la crème” state of creativity. In these moments, which usually do not last forever, we feel neither overwhelmed nor underchallenged. This means that the demands and our own abilities are perfectly balanced (see graphic).

What are the influencing factors that promote such a perfect creative frenzy? Creativity works better if you follow the following points.
- 1. fluctuations in the time of day: Schedule creative work for the time of day when your battery is well charged. Otherwise you may need twice as much time to come up with good ideas.
- 2. diet: Make sure you eat a balanced diet that stabilizes your energy levels and thus creates the basis for creative thought processes.
- 3. environment: Create an inspiring environment that promotes creative flow. A harmonious workplace can have a positive impact on your creativity.
- 4. tools: Use the right creative tools, be it software, hardware or physical utensils, they will help you to implement your creative ideas effectively.
- 5. human connections: Cultivate diverse social connections to gain different perspectives and ideas that inspire your creativity.
- 6. attitude: Cultivate a positive and open-minded attitude towards new ideas and challenges to support your creative process.
- 7. motivation: Find intrinsic motivation by setting clear goals and developing a passion for your creative projects.
- 8. culture: Integrate cultural influences into your creative process. This promotes diversity and originality.
If you pay attention to just half of these influencing factors, you will succeed in getting started with your creative process. Try it out. Now it gets more concrete. We’re getting into the actual creation process. Stay tuned!
Eight steps to your super idea!

Regardless of whether you want to work with us or carry out a creative project without us. Following these eight steps is worth its weight in gold to get closer to one or even your super idea. Let’s get started!
Step 1 – Briefing This is certainly the most tedious part for everyone involved in the project, but believe us – it’s the most important step! This is where the groundbreaking questions are asked and the framework for the entire project is set. In our projects, you receive this questionnaire right at the start and it’s worth going through it meticulously with your team. Think of it as a warm-up for the next phase – the kickoff with the creative team.
Step 2 – Kickoff In the kickoff, all the answers to the questions posed in the briefing are looked at, scrutinized and, if necessary, supplemented. We are in phase 1: Understanding the situation in the order chaos model. This is one part of the kickoff. The other part is just as important. During the kickoff, the entire project team gets to know each other. The client – your organization – and the contractor – everyone involved in the getunik, especially the Krea team members. For a creative project (but basically for all projects) it is important to get a feel for what makes the people who are working together tick.
Step 3 – Read in Now the Krea team can get started. This is probably the best time for a creative person. At best, this person feels like a sponge and soaks up everything that is relevant to the project. The creation process is now in full swing. We are in phase 2: developing ideas and are open to the great chaos, but also to the highest potential.
Step 4 – Queries At this point at the latest, we need to clarify what is still unclear. This can also be done very well in writing. A meeting is no longer necessary.
Step 5 – Research This phase is essential for the creative person. Here, too, it is important to take everything in, with the difference that we do not stay in our garden, but look over the fence into other gardens. As mentioned at the beginning, this is where the white rabbit from “Alice in Wonderland” comes into play. We have to leave familiar paths and jump into the unknown. Let’s see what happens.
Step 6 – Diffuse cloud Everything that we have newly experienced, both important and unimportant, is collected in a diffuse cloud. Every creative person does this differently. This can be an analog notepad, a digital note app, an office wall with post-its or, which is always good, a miroboard on your computer. Of course, brainstorming sessions, shoulder checks and other creative methods are also used in this phase. As previously mentioned, we have established an in-house brainstorming process at getunik, which in turn leads to the super idea in seven exercises. It helps to keep the creative chaos in order. Many things are allowed in this process. Because creativity thrives on thinking in terms of possibilities. The motto is: anything that could be. Give your creativity space!
Step 7 – Derivation Eureka! Creativity researcher and psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, founder of flow theory, also calls this moment the aha moment. The super idea(s) are there. A flash of inspiration emerges from the diffuse cloud and suddenly various creative ideas are there. This moment is truly magical and sometimes difficult to reconstruct. The ideas are there, now it’s time to bring order back into the process. This is done by creating a concept for the ideas. For us, this is the derivation. We are now in phase 3: developing solutions.
Step 8 – Presentation And now please make everything beautiful. Take the time to present your ideas. Storytelling is the be-all and end-all when it comes to presenting ideas effectively. So – don’t start too late with the form of your presentation. Experience has shown us that the presentation (e.g. a keynote, PowerPoint or other form of presentation) should be set up immediately after the kick-off. It’s best to work on the structure during the creative lull. This is another Krea trick – it often generates ideas that can also be developed into a super idea. The big day has arrived – the presentation of your ideas. Now it’s time to let the sparks fly. If you are able to put your ideas together in elevator pitch length, i.e. in one to two minutes maximum, then you are ready for the big presentation, which you can of course embellish a little.
How do you feel so far? Have you been able to follow us this far? Stay with us a little longer – the next section is very helpful. Here are some tips to help you get through a creative slump.
Krea-Hacks to go!

- Good ideas take time: a fine tomato does not grow overnight. Ideas need time. Make sure you take enough breaks. This is when the most happens.
- Creations need a common thread: Define clear goals and a guideline for your ideas to ensure a coherent and well-thought-out creative process.
- Safety checks prevent flops: Implement regular feedback loops to identify potential problems early on and avoid failures.
- Creations need leisure, exercise, air and love: Provide sufficient free space, physical activity, fresh air and emotional connection.
- Good creations are rarely made alone: seek out exchanges with others, as different perspectives and ideas contribute to innovative and successful creations.
- Trust the process: Even if there are phases of uncertainty. The best ideas often develop over time and through consistent work. It’s normal if you don’t know where you’re going at the beginning. Sometimes you don’t even know until halfway through the creative journey, so don’t panic! Eureka will come as long as you keep at it and take your breaks. And joy will prevail. I promise!
How can we help you today?
You made it!
Take the plunge into orderly chaos and let go! Say goodbye to clearly predictable work patterns. Creativity has its own laws. All you have to do is get started, take the plunge into wonderland and keep at it.
Creativity is a process, trust it: get_creative!
What stage are you at in your creative process?
You think it’s all great, but can’t quite get going, you’ve got bogged down, you don’t have the resources or you’re stagnating? No problem – we won’t leave you on your own! We would be delighted to support you with your campaign, journey or other creative challenge. Simply get in touch and book a no-obligation creative consultation with us.
