November 2022

Amnesty International Germany e.V.
Implementation of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud

More freedom and greater success in developing data-driven, personalized, and cross-channel digital experiences

For more freedom – with Salesforce Marketing Automation

The digital success story of Amnesty International Germany (Amnesty) continues. In 2021, Amnesty successfully underwent a digital refresh of its donation world. The foundation is the Salesforce CRM. The next logical optimization step was the implementation of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud. For the setup getunik was in the lead. Together with Amnesty, we created a foundation on which optimal donor experiences can be designed and targeted communication with supporters can be established. Let’s get one thing straight – thanks to the development of data-driven, personalized and cross-channel digital experiences, it quickly became clear that targeting potential and existing supporters would come with great freedom. Almost limitless, thanks to Salesforce Marketing Automation.

Challenge – No data, no communication!

Big organizations can do big things! But occasionally their size can also complicate certain processes and make it difficult to move towards effectiveness – this was the case at Amnesty. Individual teams and departments had multiple tools that didn’t communicate with each other. The decentralized storage of data prevented a unified view of supporters*. That’s why it was not possible to design cross-channel communication activities based on complete data. So the big challenge was to introduce a platform that would ensure centralized and clear communication and storage of data, while taking into account the needs of individual teams. In other words, practically a package tailored for Amnesty that allows all relevant data to be stored in an updated and complete manner. But is that even possible? With Salesforce Marketing Cloud for sure and with getunik’s support even more so!


Solution – More freedom with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a smart cloud. It includes multiple modules to bring all aspects of modern, donor-centric marketing together in one platform. It is a tool that collects data from multiple sources and enables organizations to better understand and adapt to their supporters. The technical setup of Salesforce Marketing Cloud at Amnesty was based on a deep integration with the already implemented Salesforce CRM, so that data control can happen entirely via CRM. This makes using the Marketing Cloud very straightforward for the individual teams.

Amnesty is gaining more freedom in these areas:

  • All data from CRM is also available in MC for segmentation or personalization of emails/journeys
  • Set up marketing automations such as a donor-to-regular-donor journey
  • Introduction of automated newsletter sign-up and unsubscribe processes
  • Event sign-ups with a sign-up button in emails that completely automatically adds the contact to a corresponding event campaign
  • Implementation of lifecycle strategy to convert leads to donors or to retain sustaining members
  • Setup and integration of RaiseNow peer-to-peer platform
  • Set up various types of transactional emails, such as donation thank you, or early warning of impending credit card expiration
  • Creation of a preference center

«Working with Amnesty shows a perfect symbiosis between the agency and the organization – it’s a coordination and interaction with each other. It was definitely a challenge, but one we are always happy to take on. We are looking forward to the next milestone – the implementation of the numerous Donor Journeys!»

Fabio Gadient, Customer Success Manager, getunik AG

Implementation – step by step towards optimization

The basis for the setup of the SF Marketing Cloud was the Best Practice for NGOs developed by getunik. Beyond the standard integration “Marketing Cloud Connect”, we adapted the connection to Amnesty’s use cases. Here, it proved to be a great advantage of the Marketing Cloud that the Data Extensions and the Automation Studio allow us to configure data models of the platform tailored to Amnesty’s needs. As a result, we were able to synchronize 420,000 contacts and several million donations and campaigns. In addition, we have already implemented the first Donor Journey! We had the privilege of designing, copywriting and setting up a Donor-to-Regular Donor Journey for Amnesty. In the course of the Journey, donors receive exclusive insights into the work of Donatella Rovera, head of the 80 researchers who travel the world for Amnesty International to uncover human rights violations. Finally, about 10 teams will be trained to implement Salesforce Marketing Automations in the best possible way. For a smooth implementation, Amnesty is supported by getunik as an experienced partner.

Effect – A tool that understands donors almost automatically!

Amnesty has reached a major milestone in terms of digitalization. getunik supported Amnesty in switching from various tools to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud and was thus able to replace many other systems and standardize processes. This step not only enabled an improvement in data quality, but also ensures data protection compliance. The central storage of data also helps to get to know donors better and subsequently create a better donor experience. Thanks to the implementation of the Marketing Cloud, Amnesty now has the ability and potential to take the next steps in marketing automation and digital fundraising with a secure framework and to scale results well. We’ve laid the groundwork, staying on top of it with optimization suggestions and updates, and working hand-in-hand with Amnesty to identify needs and design overarching solutions. And it continues, because the setup of the Marketing Cloud forms the basis for the conception as well as the setup of further marketing automations, such as Donor Journeys – for more freedom and more human rights!

«The implementation of Salesforce Marketing Cloud has once again shown how important it is to have an experienced partner at your side. Together with getunik, we were able to bring order to our system.»

Carlotta Mellies, Product Owner Salesforce, Amnesty International Germany


In these steps getunik was able to
support Amnesty International Germany:

A small challenge – individual donors become supporters
The concept developed for Amnesty International aims to win donors for a sponsorship. New donors are thanked for their donation according to their entry point. In addition, they are shown the advantages that sponsorship has for them, but also for the human rights work that Amnesty does.

The human rights defenders campaign as an entry point
Amnesty’s digital campaign for human rights defenders aims to attract new donors. The landing page of this campaign was designed by Amnesty in the style of a job advertisement. Donors recruited through these campaigns are developed into supporters through the Donor-to-Regular-Donor Journey.

Screenshot des Salesforce Journey Dashboards im Demo-Account Teil 1
Screenshot des Salesforce Journey Dashboards im Demo-Account Teil 2
Screenshot des Salesforce Journey Dashboards der Donor-to-Regular-Donor Journey

Many possibilities thanks to Salesforce Marketing Automation
The Journey Builder shows how many different options the Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers when setting up an automation (Figure 1 and 2) – here using the example of our demo account. In the case of Amnesty’s Donor-to-Regular-Donor Journey, the setup is simple: The Journey contains four emails and is currently sent every four days (Figure 3).

About sponsorship in four emails
The Donor-to-Regular-Donor Journey is about the work of researchers who risk their lives for human rights every day. In four emails, donors get exclusive insights into this work and gain a better understanding of the important work of Amnesty International. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud email builder can be used to define all the elements of each email for automated sending.

Amnesty International Germany – For more human rights.

Amnesty International is the world’s largest human rights advocacy movement. Amnesty is independent of governments, political parties, ideologies, economic interests and religions.

Do you have any questions or want to learn more about getunik, the services or tools?